Step 1: Creating Account With Us

Please note that the following are some key requirements for the online application process:

Key Requirements

General Requirements
  1. A functional email address and mobile phone number.
  2. A scanned/digital copy of your recent passport-sized photograph, saved as .JPG or .JPEG and less than 2MB in size.
  3. A scanned copy of both sides of your identification document (National ID Card, Birth Certificate, or Passport), saved as .PDF and less than 2MB in size.
  4. Your K.C.P.E/equivalent and K.C.S.E/equivalent Index Number. If you didn't undertake these examinations, then enter dot (.) as your Index Number where this is required.
  5. Application processing fee of KES 2,000 (for diploma and undergraduate applications), KES 3,000 (for postgraduate applications), or KES 3,600 (for foreigners).
Copies of Certificates/Result slips/Testimonials

- DON'T scan a PHOTOCOPY of your documents (Must be a colour scan of the ORIGINAL document )
- Each original diploma/bachelor/masters/PhD certificate should be scanned together with its corresponding transcripts and saved as one PDF document. DON'T save documents of different qualifications in one file; for example diploma and its corresponding result slips should not be mixed with bachelor and its corresponding transcripts. Neither should masters be mixed with PhD documents.
- Certificates without their corresponding transcripts will not be considered.
- Each file should be saved as .PDF and should be less than 5MB in size. If the document is bigger than the recommended size, use online PDF shrinking tools, like PDF2GO to compress your documents accordingly.
- Result slips are valid for ONLY two (2) years from the examination date. Result slips older than two (2) years not be considered.

Additional requirements for Postgraduate Applications
  1. A one(1) page resume/CV.
  2. A one(1) page motivation letter.
  3. Research Concept Note, signed by your prospective supervisor(s).

Create account or Sign In if the account is already created.
* Additional Step - Recover Password Option
* in case you forget your password, you will be asked the same question and you will be required to provide the answer in order to reset your password
Verify Answer:
Confirm you are human being by providing the answer to the simple math below:

6 minus 6 =

Already having an account?   Just Sign In
Online Application Portal
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