Programmes on Offer

1) Accounting Technicians Diploma (ATD) course Level 1
2) Advanced Certificate In Drug And Substance Abuse Rehabilitation
3) Archives and Records Management
4) Certificate in Additive Manufacturing
5) Certificate in Android Mobile Application Development
6) Certificate in Auto-Cad Modelling And Drafting
7) Certificate In Basic Food And Beverage Service
8) Certificate In Basic Food Production Techniques
9) Certificate in Basic Hydraulics (Introductory Course)
10) Certificate In Basic Mixology (An Introduction)
11) Certificate in Basics of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
12) Certificate In Basic Tour Guiding (Refresher Course)
13) Certificate in Biomass For Renewable Energy Production
14) Certificate in Boiler Operator
15) Certificate In Business Information Technology (CIT)I&II
16) Certificate in CNC Lathe Operations
17) Certificate in CNC Milling Operations
18) Certificate in Community Management of Acute Malnutrition (CMAM)
19) Certificate in Computer Networks
20) Certificate in Computer Repair And Maintenance
21) Certificate in Computing Science and Technology
22) Certificate in Conventional Lathe Machining
23) Certificate in Conventional Milling
24) Certificate In Creative Writing
25) Certificate In Cybersecurity
26) Certificate in Data Science and Data Analytics
27) Certificate in Diabetes Management for Dieticians/Nutritionists and Health Professionals
28) Certificate In Digital Library Management
29) Certificate in Electrical Installation Technician I Domestic/Residential Wiring)
30) Certificate in Electrical Installation Technician II (Commercial Buildings Wiring)
31) Certificate in Electrical Installation Technician III (Industrial Wiring)
32) Certificate In English For Academic Purposes
33) Certificate In English For General Purposes: Advanced Level English (Level C1)
34) Certificate In English For General Purposes: Communicative Competence
35) Certificate In English For General Purposes: Elementary Level English (Level A2)
36) Certificate In English For General Purposes: English For Beginners (Level A1)
37) Certificate In English For General Purposes: Intermediate Level English (Level B1)
38) Certificate In English For General Purposes: Proficiency In English (Level C2)
39) Certificate In English For General Purposes: Upper-Intermediate Level English (Level B2)
40) Certificate In English For Occupational Purposes
41) Certificate In English For Occupational Purposes
42) Certificate In Fleet Management
43) Certificate In Fundraising And Grant Writing
44) Certificate In Garment Construction Techniques
45) Certificate In HVAC Operator
46) Certificate in Industrial Automation Using PLCs
47) Certificate in Iot [Internet of Things]
48) Certificate in Manual Metal Arc Welding (MMA)
49) Certificate in Metal - Inert Gas Welding (MIG)
50) Certificate in Motor Rewinding
51) Certificate In Nail Art
52) Certificate In Natural Hair Designs
53) Certificate in Obesity and Weight Management for Nutritionist/ Dieticians and Health Professionals
54) Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety(OHS)
55) Certificate in Oxy-Acetylene Gas Welding
56) Certificate in Proposal Writing, Fund- Raising and Professional Report Writing
57) Certificate In Records And Archives Management
58) Certificate in Referencing or Masters and PHD Students
59) Certificate in Refrigeration System Operator
60) Certificate In Soft Furnishing
61) Certificate in Solar PV T1 And T2
62) Certificate In Solar PV T3
63) Certificate in Solidworks Modelling And Drafting
64) Certificate in Sports Nutrition
65) Certificate in Starting a Dietetic/ Nutrition Practice
66) Certificate In Stress Management
67) Certificate In Sustainability Entrepreneurship
68) Certificate in Tungsten Inert Gas Welding
69) Certificate In Web Application Development
70) Certificate in Web Development Using Javascript
71) Certified Credit Professionals (CCP) course - Advacnced Level
72) Certified Credit Professionals (CCP) course - Advacnced Level
73) Certified Credit Professionals (CCP) course - Foundational Level
74) Certified Credit Professionals (CCP) course - Foundational Level
75) Certified Credit Professionals (CCP) course - Intermediate Level
76) Certified Credit Professionals (CCP) course - Intermediate Level
77) Certified Investment and Financial Analysts (CIFA) course - Advanced Level
78) Certified Investment and Financial Analysts (CIFA) course - Foundational Level
79) Certified Investment and Financial Analysts (CIFA) course - Intermediate Level
80) Certified Public Accountants (CPA) - Foundational Level
81) Certified Public Accountants (CPA) - Intermediate Level
82) Certified Public Accountants (CPA) - Intermediate Level
83) Certified Secretaries (CS) course - Advanced Level
84) Certified Secretaries (CS) course - Advanced Level
85) Certified Secretaries (CS) course -Foundational Level
86) Certified Secretaries (CS) course - Intermediate Level
87) Course in Applied Computational Chemistry
88) Course In Good Laboratory Practices
89) Course in Good Manufacturing Practices
90) Diploma in Data Management and Analytics (DDMA) Level 1, 2 and 3
91) Industrial and Laboratory Chemical Waste Management
92) Laboratory Technician Training (Laboratory Safety and Reagents Preparation)
93) Library Science
94) Liquid Detergents Production Course
95) Quality Control and Quality Assurance
96) Sanitizers Production Course
97) Training in Chemical Risk Assessment
98) Training in Chemical Safety And Security
99) Training in Separation Technique (Gas Chromatography and High Performance Liquid Chromatography Training HPLC)
100) Training In Spectroscopic Methods Of Analysis(Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry, UV-Vis, Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy Training, Polarimetry)
101) Training in Water Quality Testing
1) Diploma in Accountancy
2) Diploma in Business Studies ( Business Management/Human Resource Management/Marketing/Logistics and Supply Chain Management/ International Business )
3) Diploma in Counselling Psychology
4) Diploma in Criminology and Security Studies
5) Diploma in Disaster Management
6) Diploma in Entepreneurship
7) Diploma in Integrated Water Resources Management
8) Diploma in International Relations and Diplomacy
9) Diploma in Legal Studies
10) Diploma in Music
11) Diploma in Office Administration:Legal Secretarial
12) Diploma in Office Administration:Medical Secretarial
13) Diploma in Pharmaceutical Technology
14) Diploma in Social Work and Community Development
15) Diploma in Technology ( Actuarial Science )
16) Diploma in Technology (Aeronautical Engineering)
17) Diploma in Technology (Analytical Chemistry)
18) Diploma in Technology( Applied Statistics)
19) Diploma in Technology (Architecture)
20) Diploma in Technology (Archives and Records Managements)
21) Diploma in Technology (Biotechnology)
22) Diploma in Technology (Building Construction)
23) Diploma in Technology (Business Information Technology)
24) Diploma in Technology (Chemical Engineering Technology)
25) Diploma in Technology (Civil Engineering)
26) Diploma in Technology ( Communication and Computer Networks )
27) Diploma in Technology (Community Health and Wellness)
28) Diploma in Technology (Computer Technology)
29) Diploma in Technology (Construction Management)
30) Diploma in Technology (Design)
31) Diploma in Technology ( Electrical and Electronics Engineering )
32) Diploma in Technology (Event and Convention Management)
33) Diploma in Technology ( Fashion Design )
34) Diploma in Technology (Geoinformation Technology)
35) Diploma in Technology (Hotel and Restaurant Management)
36) Diploma in Technology in Biochemistry
37) Diploma in Technology (Industrial Chemistry)
38) Diploma in Technology in Ecology and Conservation Biology
39) Diploma in Technology in Food Science and Technology
40) Diploma in Technology (Information Technology)
41) Diploma in Technology in Health Records and Information Technology
42) Diploma in Technology in Industrial and Applied Biology
43) Diploma in Technology ( Journalism and Mass Communication )
44) Diploma in Technology (Library and Information Science)
45) Diploma in Technology (Mechanical Engineering: Automotive and Autotronic Engineering)
46) Diploma in Technology (Mechanical Engineering: Industrial Plant and Energy Engineering)
47) Diploma in Technology (Mechanical Engineering:Mechatronics Engineering)
48) Diploma in Technology (Mechanical Engineering:Refrigiration and Air Conditioning)
49) Diploma in Technology (Nutrition and Dietetics)
50) Diploma in Technology ( Printing )
51) Diploma in Technology (Quantity Surveying)
52) Diploma in Technology (Real Estate)
53) Diploma in Technology (Surveying Technology)
54) Diploma in Technology (Tourism and Travel Management )
1) Bachelor in Technology (Journalism and Mass Communication)
2) Bachelor of Applied Science (Geospatial Information and Communication)
3) Bachelor of Architectural Studies/ Bachelor of Architecture
4) Bachelor of Arts in Communication Studies
5) Bachelor of Arts in Criminology and Security Management
6) Bachelor of Arts in International Relations and Diplomacy
7) Bachelor of Arts in Legal Studies
8) Bachelor of Arts in Social Work and Community Development
9) Bachelor of Arts in Theatre Studies
10) Bachelor of Arts in Visual Art
11) Bachelor of Arts Music Studies
12) Bachelor of Business Studies : ( Business Management/Human Resource Management/Marketing/Logistics and Supply Chain Management/ International Business)
13) Bachelor of Economics
14) Bachelor of Engineering (Aeronautical Engineering)
15) Bachelor of Engineering (Chemical Engineering)
16) Bachelor of Engineering (Civil Engineering)
17) Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical & Electronics Engineering)
18) Bachelor of Engineering (Geospatial Engineering)
19) Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical Engineering)
20) Bachelor of Music
21) Bachelor of Public Health.
22) Bachelor of Quantity Surveying
23) Bachelor of Real Estate
24) Bachelor of Science (Counseling Psychology)
25) Bachelor of Science in Accountancy
26) Bachelor of Science in Event and Convention Management
27) Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management
28) Bachelor of Science in Information Science
29) Bachelor of Science (Land Administration)
30) Bachelor of Science (Mathematics)
31) Bachelor of Science (Medical Laboratory Science)
32) Bachelor of Science (Nutrition and Dietetics)
33) Bachelor of Technology ( Applied Statistics )
34) Bachelor of Technology (Building Construction)
35) Bachelor of Technology (Business Information Technology)
36) Bachelor of Technology (Chemical Engineering)
37) Bachelor of Technology (Civil Engineering)
38) Bachelor of Technology ( Communication and Computer Networks)
39) Bachelor of Technology (Computer Technology)
40) Bachelor of Technology (Electrical and Electronics Eng. Technology )
41) Bachelor of Technology (Environmental Biology)
42) Bachelor of Technology (Environmental Resource Management)
43) Bachelor of Technology ( Fashion Design )
44) Bachelor of Technology (Food Science and Technology)
45) Bachelor of Technology (Geoinformation Technology)
46) Bachelor of Technology in Applied Biology
47) Bachelor of Technology in Biotechnology
48) Bachelor of Technology in Design
49) BACHELOR OF TECHNOLOGY (Industrial and Applied Chemistry)
50) Bachelor of Technology in Environmental Science
51) Bachelor of Technology (Information Technology)
52) Bachelor of Technology in Health Systems Management
53) Bachelor of Technology in Hotel and Restaurant Management
54) Bachelor of Technology in Information Studies
55) Bachelor of Technology in Institutional Catering & Accommodation
56) Bachelor of Technology in Integrated Water Resources Management
57) Bachelor of Technology in Medicinal Chemistry
58) Bachelor of Technology in Office Administration and Technology
59) Bachelor of Technology in Science Laboratory Technology
60) Bachelor of Technology in Tourism and Travel Management
61) Bachelor of Technology(Mechanical Engineering Technology )
62) Bachelor of Technology (Nutrition and Dietetics)
63) Bachelor of Technology (Printing)
64) Bachelor of Technology (Surveying Technology)
65) BACHELOR OF TECHNOLOGY (Technical and Applied Physics)
66) Bachelor of Technology ( Textile Technology )
67) Bachelor of The Built Environment (Construction Management)
1) Master of Applied Linguistics
2) Master of Arts in Entrepreneurship
3) Master of Business Administration
4) Master of Business Administration: (Accounting, Finance, Human Resource Management, Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Marketing Management, Strategic Management, Business Analytics, Information Systems and Technology Management, Operations Strategy and Management, International Trade and Business Management, Risk and Actuarial Science, Innovation and Entrepreneurship Management)
5) Master of Construction Project Management
6) Master of Engineering in Civil Engineering
7) Master of Musical Arts in Composition or Performance
8) Master of Music in Music Education or African Music Studies
9) Master of Philosophy in Applied Parasitology
10) Master of Philosophy in Parasitology
11) Master of Public Health
12) Master of Science (Electrical and Electronics Engineering)
13) Master of Science in Applied Parasitology
14) Master of Science in Applied Statistics
15) Master of Science in Biochemistry
16) Master of Science in Biotechnology
17) Master of Science in Clinical Chemistry
18) Master of Science in Clinical Haematology & Blood Transfusion Science
19) Master of Science in Clinical Histocytopathology
20) Master of Science in Community Nutrition
21) Master of Science in Computational Chemistry
22) Master of Science in Entrepreneurship
23) Master of Science in Event and convention Management
24) Master of Science in Food Science and Technology
25) Master of Science in Forensic Biochemistry
26) Master of Science in Hospitality Management
27) Master of Science in Immunology
28) Master of Science in Information and Knowledge Management
29) Master of Science in International Relations
30) Master of Science in Mathematics (Pure or Applied Mathematics)
31) Master of Science in Medical Microbiology
32) Master of Science in Medical Parasitology
33) Master of Science in Medical Physics
34) Master of Science in Medical Virology
35) Master of Science in Microbiology
36) Master of Science in Physics
37) Master of Science in Tourism Management
38) Master of Science (Land Administration)
39) Master of Technology in Analytical Chemistry
40) Master of Technology in Applied Entomology
41) Master of Technology in Applied Parasitology
42) Master of Technology in Biotechnology
43) Master of Technology in Communication and Computer Networks
44) Master of Technology in Computer Technology
45) Master of Technology in Environmental Resource Management
46) Master of Technology in Food Science and Technology
47) Master of Technology in Integrated Water Resources Management
48) Master of Technology in Petroleum Chemical Technology
49) Master of Technology ( Mechanical Engineering Technology)
50) Masters in Global Developments and Public Policy
1) Doctor of Philosophy in Aquaculture
2) Doctor of Philosophy in Biochemistry
3) Doctor of Philosophy in Biodiversity Conservation
4) Doctor of Philosophy in Bioinformatics
5) Doctor of Philosophy in Biotechnology
6) Doctor of Philosophy in Business Administration: (Accounting, Finance, Human Resource Management, Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Marketing Management, Strategic Management, Business Analytics, Information Systems and Technology Management, Operations Strategy and Management, International Trade and Business Management, Risk and Actuarial Science, Innovation and Entrepreneurship Management)
7) Doctor of Philosophy in Entomology
8) Doctor of Philosophy in Environmental Resource Management
9) Doctor of Philosophy in Epidemiology and Disease control
10) Doctor of Philosophy in Fashion Design and Technology
11) Doctor of Philosophy in Global Developments and Public Policy
12) Doctor of Philosophy in Immunology
13) Doctor of Philosophy in Nutritional Sciences
14) Doctor of Philosophy in Parasitology
15) Doctor of Philosophy in Plant Taxonomy
16) Doctor of Philosophy in Textile Technology
17) Doctor of Philosophy in Wildlife Conservation Management
18) PhD In Biomedical Science(Medical Microbiology, Medical Immunology, Medical Parasitology, Clinical Haematology & Blood Transfusion Science, Clinical Chemistry, Clinical Histocytopathology, Medical Virology)
19) PhD in Chemistry
20) PhD in Civil Engineering
21) PhD in Computer Science
22) PhD in Design
23) PhD in Electrical and Electronic Engineering
24) PhD in Entrepreneurship
25) PhD in Entrepreneurship
26) PhD in Epidemiology and Biostatics
27) PhD in Food Science and Technology
28) PhD in Geospatial Sciences
29) PhD in Health Systems and Finance
30) PhD in Hospitality Management
31) PhD in Human Nutrition
32) PhD in Hydrology and Water Resources
33) PhD in Immunology
34) PhD in Information and Knowledge Management
35) PhD in Information Systems and Technology
36) PhD in Linguistics
37) PhD in Mathematics
38) PhD in Mechanical Engineering
39) PhD in Nutrition and Dietetics
40) PhD in Physics
41) PhD in Public Health ( Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Epidemiology and Disease Control, Epidemiology and Informatics, Health Systems and Health, Health Records Management, Environmental and Occupational Health, Population and Communication Health, and Health Economics)
42) PhD in Statistics
43) PhD in Tourism Management

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